川御鉑鑽版NMN 40000+青春逆齡配方特別選用了品牌成分Uthever™ NMN,採用專利純化提取技術製造,確保NMN品質達到超過99%的高純度。這是唯一通過世界衛生組織(WHO)註冊的品牌成分,證實能有效提升人體NAD+水平。這款全面配方從根源上補充NAD+,並搭配腸溶膠囊技術,防止胃酸破壞,確保直達腸道,實現最佳吸收效果。讓您穿越時光,重拾年輕活力。
川御NMN團隊深入研究人體細胞及DNA科學,根據多項臨床數據,及與香港頂尖藥廠參考哈佛大學教授 Dr.David Sinclair研究,以最純NMN加上了白藜蘆醇制定了川御鉑鑽版青春逆齡配方,全方位激活細胞,修復受損DNA,做到重拾青春,細胞自信活力。
*40歲- 50歲、體重適中者建議每天服用(2粒)劑量。
- 60粒裝
顯著刺激頭髮生長 (11)
有效逆齡抗老 (2)
增強免疫力 (4)
抵禦紫外線損傷 (5)
有助於穩定血糖 (6)
改善睡眠質素 (3)
提升活力和肌肉力量 (7)
- 有效期2年,請注意最佳食用期。
- 包裝顏色可能有偏差,但不影響使用。
Acc Biotech Limited
1. US register ID: NCT04228640, International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, WHO
2. Kiss, T., (2020) Geroscience, 42(2), 527-546 (Refer to NMN)
3. Kimura, et. al. "Intravenous Uptake of NMN is Safely Metabolize and Increases NAD⁺ Levels in Healthy Subjects." (2022) (Refer to NMN)
4. Omran HM et. al., (2020) Infect Public Health 13(9), 1196-1201 (Refer to NAD⁺)
5. X. Zhou et. al., (2021) J. Inflamm. Res.14: 5165–5182 (Refer to Uthever™ NMN)
6. M. Yoshino et al., (2021) Science. 372(6547): 1224-1229 (Refer to NMN)
7. Liao et al., (2021) Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.18: 54 (Refer to NMN)
8. W. Hong et. al., (2020) Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 8:246 (Refer to NMN content) USDA database. Broccoli 151 g/pc, avocado 136 g/pc, tomato 123 g/pc
9. Gopi, S. et al. (2021) Journal of liposome research, 31(4), 356-364. (Refer to Liposomal Vitamin C)
10. Dr.Bobban S., The Ultimate Guide to Understanding NMN and NAD Supplements **Patent: 202011625940.1, 202011618119.7, 202010223833.X †Based on data from the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO ICTRP) as of July 2022.
11. In Ro, B et al. (2020). Therapeutic effects of growth factor cocktail (cellcurintm) containing fgf5s (fibroblast growth factor 5 short) and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) in patients with Androgenetic Alopecia: A split study. Global Dermatology, 7(1). (Refer to NMN)
12.. Study Identifier: NCT04228640. The study involved 66 individuals aged 40-65 years old.